
Update!!! New PMs coming soon… remember Fabio? He’s back!! BACK, I tell you!

Welcome to Penguin Messenger! It used to be Puffle Messenger, but that’s changed, but WAAAY before that puffle thing, it was Billybob’s Coolio Messenger. (Okay, fine, there never WAS A Billybob’s Coolio Messenger! Why you looking at– oh. Right. Because I’M Billybob. Man, I’ve gotta remember to put my disguise on next time!) Anyways, here’s the messenger! (Puffles also can come in.)

Lavaster has logged in.

Jasmine has logged in.

Fabio has logging in.

Jasmine: FABIO?!?!? IS THAT YOU?!??!?!

Fabio: Yes. Yes, it is! I, Fabio, the Attractive One. Do you want a rose?

Jasmine: AAAAAAHHHH!!!
Fabio: Yes, I know. You are my fan, must I say?
Jasmine: NO WAY!

Fabio: I know my presence is unbelievable.

Fabio: … ❓
Fabio: Amateur.

Jasmine: What did you say?
Fabio. Nothing, nothing!

Jasmine: ❗ HEY! I’ve got a GOOD IDEA! Why don’t we have lunch this week? On Friday at the Puffle-O Park! I’ll be at the picnic tables with my friends.

Fabio: They’re not all like you, all girls, right?
Jasmine: Noooo…. I happen to be a tomboy like Lavaster!
Fabio: Is Lavaster a girl puffle? I want to charm her like I do with girls who hate me’s friends!

Jasmine: No! She’s my OWNER! A Penguin! Gosh!

Fabio: Ohhh…. hey, do you happen to, perhaps, have a photograph of this lovely ma’am?

Jasmine: SHUT UP!!!

Fabio:  😐

-Fabio has logged of. REASON FOR LOG OFF: “Jasmine.” FABIO’S SIGNATURE: “Believe in me, because I love you.”

Lavaster: Okay, weird signature he has, eh?

Lavaster:    :weird:    See? I TOLD you I monitor all your chats!

Jasmine: OMG!!! So u no bout my date with Freddy?
Lavaster: Date with– WHO?!?!?! Jasmine, you’re NOT GOING OUT TODAY!
Jasmine: I didn’t say it was today.

Lavaster: Oh.

Lavaster: Well then, you can go if it’s NOT today. When are you going and where?
Jasmine: Um, well, err… we’re going to the, um.. the, uhhh… the Pizza Parlor! At 6:00 p.m. PST tomorrow nite! Wanna come?
Lavaster: Go with u on UR date? I don’t like lovey-dovey stuff!
Jasmine: We’re not gonna do lovey-dovey stuff. Just chat, share interests, go to the Fluffy the Fish Fountain…

Lavaster: Oooh, ooh! Is the water gonna be colored (dyed) tomorrow nite? I ♥ WHEN THEY DO DAT!!!
Jasmine: Yep! Hey, how’d ya do that heart sign?
Lavaster: This?

Lavaster: ♥

Jasmine: Yeah

Lavaster. Oh, simple. Well, you push the Alt button and keep holding it. Then push 3 from the side of the keyboard where it has the Num Lock button. (Should b at top)

Jasmine: Wait… I keep pushing Alt at the same time as I push the 3 from the side keys?
Lavaster: Yeah. Try it!

Jasmine: Ok. Like…. this?

Jasmine: ♥     It’s showing on this message, rite?
Lavaster: Yeah! Cool! You learned!

Jasmine: Can I try other buttons?
Lavaster: yes, but be careful!
Jasmine: ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○ ☺ ☻ ♥

Jasmine: That’s it, right?
Lavaster: according 2 wat i no, ya.

Jasmine: i ♥ this messngr. i alwyz thot (thought) I had 2 do dis: ❤   for a heart shape. but dats cuz i never new wat u just taught me! Thnx!!!

Lavaster: Np!

Lavaster: hey, im going 2 costco. wanna come?

Jasmine: nah. i gotta do sumthin on the PC.

Lavaster: Really? Wat is it?

Jasmine: uhh… well, it’s a surprize.

Lavaster: ok then. i’ll pick u up a berry smoothie, and i’ll have one too, and i’ll give ur berry smoothie to u. sound like a plan?
Jasmine: Yeah! Thnx in advance!
Lavaster: np! but u owe me $1.35.

Jasmine: :O

Lavaster: Kiddin, kiddin! Just messin’ wit ya! well, c u!
Jasmine: TTFN!

Lavaster: Tah tah for now, too! back at ‘cha!


Penguin Messenger RECENT UPDATES:

> Pinky and Redpuff have joined the P.M. Community. Welcome and hello to the P.M. Community! We’re glad you’ve joined and are with us as a team!


Redpuff has logged on

Shadon has logged on

Redpuff: Trevor, is that U?

Shadon: Yeah

Redpuff: Then y’s ur username shadon, tho? howd u pick it?

Shadon: well, my two favorite Sonic characters r Shadow and Sonic, so i combined their names 2gethr. like it?

Redpuff: yeah, its cool

Shadon: Hey, Up2daMax is IMing me. hold on, brb

Shadon: o, btw, it’s Max.

Redpuff: ok, cool. im gonna be lookin at ur profile page, k?

Shadon’s P.M. Profile Page

“If you’re 100% perfect, then walk on water WITHOUT getting one drop wet, and stab yourself, only perfect people won’t die.”

“Hi, I’m Shadon, well… actually, my real name’s Trevor V. But whatever!!”

LIKES: Hot Girls, video games, hanging out, computer games

DISLIKES: Boring stuff, ugly girls, pink, purple, school, vegetables, books

Shadon: Ok, im back! nyways, u no Callie, rite?

Redpuff: yeah, wat bout her?

Shadon: Well, im gonna tell u my secret, u BETTER not tell!

Shadon: ok.. here goes!

Shadon: i like Callie’s friend, Jasmine..

Redpuff: JASMINE? I’ve heard a lot of other guys r checking her out now. how do u expect 2 win her heart?

Shadon: easy..

Shadon: er…

Redpuff: just try 2 impress her, k? make sure she KNOWS u exist, bro

Shadon: ur not my brother

Redpuff: BUT UR MY FRIEND WHO’S 6 YEARS OLDER THAN ME!!! cuz ur *still* dating Frenchie, rite?

Shadon: whatever. hey, gtg, frenchie’s at door. c u!

Redpuff: c u!



>Jasmine has logged on

>Tails6000 has logged on

>Pinky has logged on

Tails: Hi, Pinky! Whose ur owner? cuz lavaster said ur not the first Pinky she’s met.. or heard of, at least.

Pinky: o, thats easy. xfadeaway’s MY owner!

Tails: Cool! hey, how come the PM status bar says that there’s 3 users in here when there really isnt?
Pinky: o, thats a common glitch in the P.M. it happens all the time.

Jasmine: no, it doesnt!

Tails: Jasmine, u scared me! y didnt u speak up, anyway?

Jasmine: coz i was trying to private message u.

Pinky: i thought u only logged on PM on stealth mode…

Jasmine: no, Yasmine does that. Yasmine with the Y.

Tails: o.

Pinky: well, word is, ur dating Shadon! Congrats!
Tails: Im not dating a PUFFLE!
Pinky: i was talking to Jaz here.

Jasmine: WHAT?!?!? Woah, woah, WHOA, hold ur horses! SHADON? me DATING? As if! Where did that rumor come from?
Pinky: Jessica told me. She said that Tamara and Tania had told her. Tamara and Tania picked the rumor up from Callie.

Jasmine: MY Callie? My FRIEND Callie? Really?
Pinky: Yeah. hey, look, Callie’s on! r u gonna go and IM her?

Jasmine: Yeah, wait. let me put all four of us in my chat room.

Welcome to Jasmine’s Puffle-O’s Palace.

Four users are currently in the room: Jasmine, Tails, Pinky, and Callie4u

Jasmine: ok, every1 here for SURE?

Tails: Here!
Pinky: Here!
Callie4u: Here! lol, every1 has their REAL names as usernames and thats it, but i added a number and a letter to mine!

Jasmine: Callie…

Tails: Callie….

Pinky: Callie… XD jk for that face i made.

Callie4u: what? Dont u guys like my nickname? i mean username?

Jasmine: Callie, did u start a RUMOR about me? unless u picked it up from somewhere…

Pinky: YEAH! Tell the truth, Callie!

Callie4u: y would i lie 2 u, Jaz?

Callie4u: nyways, i picked up the rumor from Gina. I asked where Gina got that from, and she said she picked it up from Ashley, who picked it up from Gianna, the school’s bully…
Pinky: FRIEND-STEALER Gigi Drama Queen? LIAR gigi? RUMOR-STARTER FOR JASMINE Gigi? Copying-Ideas from Jasmine and Marie Gigi? DAAAAAANG!
Tails: o, look! A NEW SONIC POSTER AT MY DOOR! gtg

>Tails is logged off

Jasmine: Same here. byeeeeee!

>Jasmine has logged off

Pinky: Agh, im bored. im soooo bored.

Callie4u: BYE!
Pinky:    😐

Pinky: whatevs.


>Uguu has joined the PM Community.

>Xfadeaway has joined the PM Community.

>Snowland202 has joined the PM Community.

>Greeny has joined the PM Community.


>Uguu, Greeny, Xfadeaway, Snowland, Pinky, Tails, Jasmine, Belldranit, and Redpuff have entered the room.

Uguu: Woah, there’s a lotta ppl here!

Snowland: u said it!
Xfadeaway: Hey, how do i no who’s in here without asking?

Snowland: o, u just click the anti-stealth mode on ur sidebar. it makes ur username visible to every1 else, tho.

Pinky: Hiya, everyone!

Lavaster: X, u got the anti-stealth mode on? o yeah, u do. u had stealth mode on b4, didnt u?
Xfadeaway: yeah. wait, I’m X, right?

Lavaster: Yeah

Jasmine: Hey every1! Who else is in here that haven’t spoken up yet?
Xfadeaway: um… let’s see… oh, Tails, Redpuff, and Belldranit.

Lavaster: Cool! This is kinda like a chatroom party, if u no what i mean

Tails: I HAVE talk– o, nvm. but NOW i did!

Lavaster: guess wat? i was just watching Sonic X, the episode where Amy and her friends are camping, and Sonic’s in China town or some place, and then Eggman thinks theyre after some emerald thing, but really theyre not… and then something bout a chia colony or whatevs.

Tails: Cool

Jasmine: Hey, wat smells like a cheeseburger?
Lavaster: o, i have some Wendy’s fast food meals. Hey, every1 wanna go on a picnic at Mountain Hawk park?

Xfadeaway: SWEET!
Snowland: Cool!
Tails: Can we go there now?
Greeny: WOOOO!
Belldranit: Yes! I wasnt talking because my baby brother was trying to get my attention!
Redpuff: I’m hungry! Can we eat now?
Lavaster: k every1, meet me at the park since none of us can drive!
Greeny: I can!
Lavaster: O_o

Tails: o_O

Xfadeaway: o_O

Belldranit: :O

Snowland: O_o

Pinky: T.T

Greeny: What? Just because im a puffle doesnt mean i cant drive!
Jasmine: Greeny’s right. we’re 17, for cheeseburger’s sake!

Lavaster: o yeah! Good point, i didnt remember u two took professional driving lessons!
Jasmine: Can i drive my limo with Greeny helping, too?

Lavaster: U HAVE A LIMO AND U NEVER TOLD ME!??!?!?!? All this time we’ve had one, im ur OWNER, Jaz!

Jasmine: oop! 😳  Guess i forgot 2 tell u! Yarr gave it 2 me, since he’s a pirate puffle, not a luxury puffle. I thanked him and gave him $20.

Lavaster: okaaay, then…

Lavaster: Let’s EAT!

>Skyblue, Puff Madalyn (known here on PM as PMaddie), and Brave Puffle (Known as braverthanu here on PM) have joined the P.M. Community. Welcome!


>Tails has entered

>Lavaster has entered

>Skyblue has entered

>PMaddie has entered

>braverthanu has entered

Tails: Hi!!!
Lavaster: hi, Tails!
Lavaster: Who’s PMaddie? She has anti-stealth mode on, but still, who’s she?

Skyblue: My sis. Shes not supposed 2 be on, she’s grounded for today from electronics, ESPECIALLY the P.M.

Lavaster: y, what did she do?

braverthanu: She almost made plans with a STRANGER!!!

Lavaster: :O

Lavaster: Wait; don’t tell me. Steve Abbotts?

braverthanu: Close, but no. FABIO, THE ATTRACTIVE ONE!!
Tails:  :O
Lavaster:  :O

PMaddie: 😡   I’m telling MOM that u told ppl!!

braverthanu: She didnt make  a rule bout telling about U, Mads.

PMaddie: DANG IT!
Skyblue: Hey, Madigan, r u dating Fabio?
PMaddie: No! DUHHHH! And my name’s MADALYN, not Madigan!

Tails:  Wat about we talk about something else?
Lavaster: Yeah, what Tails said! Besides, we’re penguins. r u guys PUFFLES?

PMaddie: Yeah

Skyblue: Yeah, sure, let’s go with that

braverthanu: Obviously

Lavaster: well… hmm… let’s talk about WHAT Maddie said to Fabio! 😆

Tails: i agree! 😆

PMaddie:  WHAT!?!?! 😡 fine. i’ll tell u guys. here’s the pasted chat.. exactly how it was.


>PMaddie has logged on.
>Fabio has logged on.
PMaddie: Hi, Fabio!
Fabio: Hello! I am Fabio: The Attractive One! And what is your name?
PMaddie: Madalyn. But sometimes, other puffles and penguins call me Maddie. And to annoy me, sometimes Madigan, although that’s not my name at all.
Fabio: I respect you! Your name is very lovely, Madalyn!
PMaddie: Plz, call me Maddie. Thanks!
Fabio: I have an excellent idea. Can you come to Mountain Hawk park for a picnic with me? Unless you are not a fan of me…
PMaddie: I watch your show on Puffle-O’s Channel, “Fabio: The Attractive One”. I liked the fact that Janet, Gianna, Ashley, and Gigi were fighting over you, but it was SO obvious that none of them would win, just Jessipuff Simpson who would win. And she wasn’t fighting over u, either!
Fabio: That is one of my favorite episodes: “You Fight, I Fight, We all Fight”. It was almost named, “Fighting girls never win”, but that wasn’t too catchy for the other producers. I’m the executive producer of my own show!
PMaddie: That is SO cool! I wish I could b in 1 of ur episodes! Like, “Fabio meets ‘The Maddie'”. That would be even MORE cool!
Fabio: Yes, indeed it would be! It would be very exciting to have a girl puffle like you on the set.
Fabio: May I ask… how old are you, Madalyn?
PMaddie: 7.
Fabio: Woah! I mean, that is quite young. You must be pretty, and I must be going.
>MadSkyBravesMom has logged on.
PMaddie: MOM??? I’m under Uguu’s care now, she adopted ME! You’ve been adopted by some other penguin, so y r u here, anyway?
MadSkyBravesMom: hold up… hey, the previous chat bar tells me EVERYTHING u said to FABIO!!! This is NOT safe! UR GROUNDED, AND UGUU SAID SHE’LL LET ME GROUND U FOR SAFETY REASONS!
PMaddie: She DID?!? O yeah, she DID! DANG IT, MOM! UR NOT COOL AT ALL!
MadSkyBravesMom: Well, I am just going to say that I am still sad that your brother, Brave Puffle, ran away from Uguu… but U didn’t, so I’M not letting u go past THIS one!
PMaddie: But MOMMM!
MadSkyBravesMom: Uguu now knows you are grounded for a month. Don’t EVER do that again, I’ve put PARENTAL CONTROL/WATCH MODE ON!
PMaddie: DANG IT! What about the privacy I come up to my computer for?!?! To CHAT?!??!
MadSkyBravesMom: You’ve lost that privilege for a year. Not a week, dear, but a YEAR. You better think about what you’ve almost done and tell Uguu you are SORRY!
>PMaddie has logged off.
MadSkyBravesMom: Ugh. I guess she’ll have to learn the HARD WAY; me coming over and embarrass her in front of her friends and the popular puffles at her school!
>MadSkyBravesMom has logged off
>PMaddie has logged on.
PMaddie: Good thing I know how to put myself onto stealth mode! I’m going to my friend’s house!

Lavaster: Woah, now THAT’S a lot! gtg

>Lavaster has logged off

Tails: Me 2!
>Tails has logged off


Chat 6

>Xfadeaway has logged on *STEALTH MODE*

>Tails has logged on

>PMaddie has logged on

>Fabio has logged on

PMaddie: THERE u r, Fabio! Sorry bout what happened earlier. my stupid mom decided to ruin our fun conversation.

PMaddie: my mom didnt read the park part. I went, and u werent there!!! Where were u?!
Fabio: Excuse me, Miss Madalyn, but I was quite busy. I am yet very sorry about that and I apologize.

PMaddie: Accepted. wanna meet up today after im done with school?
Fabio: I have other things to do, young Miss.

PMaddie: Well then lets talk bout ur newest episode, “Red Bikinis”!
Fabio: Uhh… okay, then. Start, please.

PMaddie: I LOVED the part when Clarissa was making out with some hot dude, and then U showed up and she saw u, and she fell for u. and then u saw a young woman in a red bikini and you went to that woman named Roberta and u instantly fell in love with each other.

PMaddie: U two made out, and Clarissa got RLLY jealous.

PMaddie: so then Clarissa smacked the red bikini girl and threw her into the sea.

PMaddie: Since u were a lifeguard, u went and got her and did CPR.

PMaddie: So then Clarissa was SUPER envyous!
<Fabio has logged off in stealth-log-off mode. Nobody else unless selected users can see the user has left.>

PMaddie: I wish it was ME that was Roberta! Don’t you think so?
PMaddie: here, lemme send u a PM with my photo.

PMaddie: Arent I too HAWT for ya?
PMaddie: Fabio?
PMaddie: Faaabioooo????
PMaddie: meet me at the park in 30 minutes! Cant wait to see you there!
<PMaddie has logged off.>
Tails: OOoh, someone’s gettin GROUNDED!!!
Xfadeaway: O, hi Tails!
Xfadeaway: yeah, we should tell Uguu. I mean, Fabio obviously doesn’t have any interest in Maddie cos she’s so young, and yeah.

Xfadeaway: BYE!!

Chat 7

>Lavaster has logged in

>Cotton Candy has logged in

>Fabio has logged in

>Trixiegirl has logged in

Cotton Candy: FABIO?!??! HOORAAAAY!!!
Fabio: Hello there, Cotton! How are you doing today?
Cotton Candy: GOOD!!! ASL ME!!!
Fabio: Um, okay. Age, Sex (gender), land?

Cotton Candy:  10!!! Female!!! My own igloo!!

Fabio: That’s nice. [Thinks about PMaddie and rolls eyes]

Cotton Candy: Imma PM u a pic of me!

Cotton Candy: There! Don’t I look HOTTT?!?!?!

Fabio: Um.. cool..

Cotton Candy: Let’s meet at Park Puff Puff, the Puffz Hoops Court! Basketball bench!

Fabio: I shall see what exactly I can do.

Cotton Candy: Great! I’ll be waiting for you with a picnic basket, since I’m already there using my unlocked laptop.

Fabio: Unlocked laptop? You mean hacking it?
Cotton Candy: No, silly! I had permission to unlock it here.

Fabio: That’s illegal!
Cotton Candy: I was kidding, gosh! I’m using my sis’ cell phone.

Fabio: Okay. I’ll see what I can do.

Cotton Candy: Thanks! cant wait 2 c every1 else all jealous of me!

<Fabio has logged out.>
<Cotton Candy has logged out.>

Lavaster: yea, i dont think Fabios goin 2 da park.

Trixiegirl: Me neither. Wanna check up on Cotton, tell her its not gonna happen?
Lavaster: I dunno. i ate Trix this morning, tho.
Trixiegirl: What? U ate ME?
Lavaster: no, the yogurt!

Trixie: Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids! lol   😆

Lavaster: u wanna meet up at the park, tho? Maybe shoot some hoops or bike ride thru the park? u no, we might find a baby snake!

Trixiegirl: wat, u’ve found 1 b4?
Lavaster: Exactly! So whadda say?

Trixiegirl: Sure!  Meet u in a few minutes, k?
Lavaster: ok. I only have to bike down the street. U comin with a bike?
Trixiegirl: yeah, my new bike. It’s AWESOME!
Lavaster: Sweet! cant wait to see it! can i try it out there?
Trixiegirl: Sure!

Lavaster: M’kay, c ya!

Trixiegirl: C u!


Chat 8. The Worst of the Worst

<Lavaster has logged on>

<Tails has logged on>

<Snowland has logged on>
<Belldranit has logged on>
<Trixiegirl has logged on>
<JLo has logged on>
<Francine09 has logged on>

Lavaster:   😦

Snowland: What’s wrong, Lava?
Tails: Maybe she hates us all..

Belldranit: Tails!!
Tails: I was kidding!!
Snowland: Anywayz, wats up?

Lavaster:  um… I don’t feel very comfy going on my own site anymore…

Trixiegirl: And where’s this leading to?
JLo: I have no clue… about blogs… I think….

Belldranit: Uh, oh…

Lavaster: I think I might actually CONSIDER quitting blogging..

Belldranit: WHAT??!?!?! U SUCK!!!!
Snowland: Please dont do dat, lava!!
JLo: WAT??!!??!?!?! I BARELY discovered this site and it’s already CLOSING?!?!?!
Lavaster: I won’t delete it.

Tails: Is somebody going to take care of it? R u going on a break? Cuz it IS Winter Break, ya know!!

Lavaster: U GUYS, I was KIDDING!!!!   😀    HAHAHAHHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHRISTMAS FOOLS!!!
Snowland: it’s not X-mas yet.

Lavaster: oh, u get my point, Snowland!!!

Francine09: Hey, can i talk to u privately, “Lavaster”?

Lavaster: Um, sure, I’ll call you.

Francine09: K, thanks!
<Francine09 has logged off.>

Trixiegirl: Who was SHE?
Lavaster: My ex-best friend from school.

Snowland: Huh. That sounds familiar… in a really weird way…

Belldranit: EWW, Snowland!! I no wat ur thinkin!
Snowland: No u dont.

Belldranit: o wait dat wasnt u. dat was my baby brother farting.

Tails:   😯

Lavaster:   😯
Snowland:   😯

Trixiegirl:    😯

JLo:   😯
Belldranit: What, it’s natural!
Belldranit: o, gotta go! my friend’s birthday party is in an hour. Bye!!

Lavaster: later, Bell!

<Belldranit has logged off.>

Snowland: any news from ur school, Lava?
Tails: and say sumthin FUNNY!! Or cool…

Trixiegirl: Isnt that a little too personal? Do you even GO to her school?
Snowland: Nope! Always some type of drama there, though. But not with her, most of the time.

Lavaster: YEAH!!! Today, I blackmailed Freddy!!!     😀    😀    😀
JLo: BLACKMAIL?? Oooh, what cha’ do?

Lavaster: Well, Freddy, a “friend” of mine, I was reading a gross part in an Anne Frank book, and he said he was gonna tell every1 i was a lesbo, which is SOO untrue!

Lavaster: So then, i said “Oh ya? Well, i’m gonna tell everyone you hugged Janice!” And he said “DA*MMIT!!!!” And he started cussing like crazy from there until someone brought up the fact that Janice kissed him.

Snowland: HAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!! OMG Freddy’s a LOSER!!!   😆

Tails: ya!!!
JLo: can u get me Rey Mysterio’s autograph now??
Lavaster:   um, to JLo, I TOLD u i’m NOT talking to his one heck of a son!! His son, Dominik, is too… UGH!!! but hes the most popular guy in the school. ENTIRE school… or grade, perhaps?

JLo: Continue..

Lavaster: so yeah. Freddy said we had no proof that Janice kissed Freddy, and my ex-best friend said, “Yes, there IS proof! She told me like, two times already!”

Tails: That’s all?
Lavaster: Um… yeah…

Tails:    ….

Tails:    HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    😆    ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Bowl means BANGS ON WALL LAUGHING)

Snowland: Ha, ha! Tails, you’ve GOT to get urself up.

Snowland: Wat, i meant that FIGURATIVLY! I didnt KNOW u were ACTUALLY down there!!

JLo: Nowadays, what may seem figurative is actually literal!!
Lavaster: ya i know!! ppl at my school made it that way!
Tails: Dang, dinner time.. Bye!!
Lavaster: Bye, Tails!
JLo: L8R!
Snowland: Adios!
Trixiegirl: Me, too!
<Tails has logged off.>
<Trixiegirl has logged off.>

Lavaster: so just us three. hey, wanna grab a bite at Wendy’s?
JLo: Aw, that’s the best!! yet, ur so OBSESSED with that stuff! Yes, please! I’ll be right there!
Snowland:   *looks down at self* Uhhh… I have to get ready and change out of my pajamas…

Lavaster: It’s almost SEVEN p.m., Snowland!

Snowland: I no. I got back from school and put this on to get comfy. so… c ya there?
Lavaster: Yeppers!
Snowland: k, bye!!
Lavaster: C ya!

<JLo has logged off.>
<Snowland has logged off.>
<Lavaster has logged off.>

Chat 9.

<Shadon has logged on.>

<Redpuff has logged on.>
<Jasmine has logged on.>

PRIVATE MESSAGE FROM REDPUFF TO SHADON: There she is, bro! Make your move a smooth move!
Redpuff: Hey, Jaz! Are the guys still bugging ya? Are you thinking about any of them?
Jasmine: Oh, please. In my right mind, no.

Redpuff: Well, do you like anyone who’s NOT annoying you as much?
Jasmine: Well, you’re my friend, so i’m gonna have to say yes.

Redpuff: cool, who is it??

Jasmine: That, I’m not ready to tell anyone just yet. I might tell you tomorrow afternoon.

Redpuff: Cool, cool.

Redpuff: So… considering any of the puffles in math class and science class? You know, anyone in BOTH of your classes you’re crushing on?

Jasmine: yes..

PRIVATE MESSAGE FROM SHADON TO REDPUFF: Dude, I think she likes me! I’m in both classes of hers! I’m her crush!!! I’ll ask her out right now!!

Jasmine: Ok, I’ll tell you one more hint. He’s a red puffle, like you.

Redpuff: How’d you feel if he asked you out right now? What would you say?
Jasmine: I’d be flattered! And I’d say Yes!!

Jasmine: You know what? I think I’ll tell you who it is!!
Redpuff: Oh, believe me, I think I’m 100% sure who it already is!

Jasmine: Well then, check it!! I like…

Redpuff: Go on..


Jasmine: Redpuff? You still here?
Redpuff: Yeah, duhhh!!!

Jasmine: Well then, I’m glad you’re not in total shock or whatever, right?
Redpuff: Whaddya mean? I didnt see ur reply!

Redpuff: I was busy reading a private message.
Jasmine: O, ur also on another IM Window? k. pay attention to this one, tho!

Jasmine: let me repeat it:

Jasmine: I like Jeff!

Shadon:     :O

Shadon:      😥

Jasmine: Ugh, is he crying? He’s probably one of those annoying guys that are heads over heels over me… or was it heels over heads… no, wait!! I know!!! His mom gave him more spicy chicken soup!! I hope your mouth cools down soon enough, Trevor!!

Jasmine: Gotta go!

<Jasmine has logged off.>
Redpuff: DUDE, are you okay?!?!?!

Shadon: No…    😥       She BROKE my heart…. it wouldve been best for me if u didnt ask her all that. that way, i wouldn’t have known the truth.

Redpuff: want me to talk 2 her 4 u??
Shadon: No, thank u. u’ve done enough. she’s harmed my heart enough just because of you. and ur stupid ideas.

Redpuff: Wat, THIS?!?!? This wasnt MY stupid idea!! THIS WAS YOUR STUPID IDEA!!!

Shadon: SHUT UP, UR EVIL!!! PURE!!

Redpuff:          😡                Shut it, jerk!!

Shadon: U first!

Redpuff: Not until u do!!

Shadon: Never gonna happen unless u do it first!! So SHUT UR PUNY LITTLE MIND UP!!! u’ve done… enough.

<Shadon has logged off. Reason: Broken heart… all thanks to REDPUFF!!! Nobody hang out with him tomorrow!!>

Redpuff: o, man, how’s he gonna learn that Jeff’s my best friend??? And that Jeff likes Jasmine back??

<Redpuff has logged off.>

Chat 10.

<Jasmine has logged on>

<Redpuff has logged on>

Jasmine: Hey, Redpuff!

Redpuff: Hi, Jaz! I wanted to speak 2 u about Trevor…

Jasmine: Wat, is he okay?!?!? I hope that soup didn’t have ONIONS in it, I mean WHO THE HECK eats SPICY CHIKEN AND ONION SOUP!!??!?!?!?

Redpuff: No, it’s not that, its–

<Carly has logged on>
Jasmine: Oh, hey, Carly! Whats up? I thought u were out studying with Marcielia?

Carly: O yea, im watching a movie with her. “iGo to Japan”, i no uve seen it!

Jasmine: OMG i LUVVVV that movie!!!!!!!!!!!! mind if i come over?

Carly: Sure! Marcielia says we need more popcorn, too, and i no u have a secret (err, not so secret) pile of popcorn stashed in your pantry! Can u get some when u come?

Jasmine: Sure! i cant WAIT to see that movie dat i LOVVVVEEE!!

Carly: k! See u in an hour?

Jasmine: Wait; i gotta talk to someone on the PM first.

Carly: Ok! See ya!!!

<Carly has logged off>
Redpuff: Who was THAT?!??!

Jasmine: a friend of mine from school. Remember carly? Jump roping carly?

Redpuff: o yea, her!

Redpuff: anyways, this is a serious matter… about Trevor.

Jasmine:   ❓

Redpuff: He likes you.

Jasmine:    :O

Jasmine: omg, i broke his heart?!?!?! I didnt no, i didnt mean to!

Redpuff: We both know, but Trev’s so broken up… he wont even talk 2 me anymore! we had a fight–i mean argue– after u left the PM yesters, and he said it waz all my fault, and I–

Jasmine: Wait–TREVOR WAS ON?!?!?!???!?!?

Redpuff: ummm, yeah…

Jasmine:     😐

Jasmine:      😡


Redpuff: keep ur cool, jaz! i dont want all of this to happen to me again!

Jasmine: Wat about everyone else?! You shouldnt just THINK about YOURSELF, Redpuff!!!

Redpuff: *sigh* well, i guess youll have to learn the hard way…

Jasmine: Oh, and what is THAT???

<Lavaster has logged on>

Lavaster: So, Redpuff, whats the problem with Jasmine here?

Jasmine:    :O

Private Message from Jasmine to Redpuff: LAVA’S your secret weapon?!! HOW DARE U, U LIAR!!!

Private Message from Redpuff to Jasmine: Jasmine, i didnt mean 2!!! I alrdy told u at least a million times!!!

Private Message from Jasmine to Redpuff: actually, only once, not including this time.

Lavaster: um, r u guys private messaging each other?

Jasmine: Wha– HEY, WAS THAT A LUCKY GUESS?!?!?!

Lavaster: Nope! I’m right behind you, looking at your laptop screen! You’re GROUNDED, missy!

Jasmine: But–


Jasmine:    😐

Jasmine: Im out.

<Jasmine has logged off.>
<Lavaster has logged off.>

Redpuff: Guess I’m all alone here now…

<PMaddie has logged on>
PMaddie: O hey, red!

Redpuff: Hey, Mads!

<Tails has logged on>

<JLo has logged on>

Redpuff: So, any personal/online, face-to-face or computer screen-to-screen experiences with fabio yet?

Tails: Yeah, tell us, Maddie!

JLo: Ooh, im betting 10 bucks she did! jk i dont bet cash or anything.

PMaddie: u guessed right, JLo! I DID meet Fabio again, this time FACE-TO-FACE!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!    😀

Tails: Wow, there goes off the bomb!

JLo: What happened with the little meeting?

PMaddie: well, i thought that having a nice picnic or chatting on our laptops though he was right there would make our meeting romantic, so i asked him which one he wanted. he chose the chat.

Redpuff: NOOO!!! *In sarcastic tone*

PMaddie: YES!!!  🙂   So, i grabbed my computer and we started typing away. he never looked up at me, but i know dats because he was all nervous being around me! I flatter him..   🙂

JLo: What else?

PMaddie: well, here’s our little conversation:

<PMaddie has logged on.>

<Fabio has logged on.>

PMaddie: its GREAT to c u, fabio!! especially rite in front of each other… this is SOOOO romantic!!! the day we met and fell in love with each other, remember???

Fabio: …uhhh…

Fabio: Lovely madam, I was just about to pack up and leave to my shooting studio for my next episode. I am guessing you want to come?


Fabio: Errr, I’m afraid I’ve been mistaken. I am deeply sorry, but I cannot really take you there, according to my strict director’s awful rules. I really DO wish you could come and act in this next episode! That would be wonderful!

PMaddie: Really?!?!?!?!?! SWEET!! well, i feel sorry 4 u, but no longer! ive come up with a plan thatll let u take me with u!!! ARENT U EXCITED??!?!?   😀

Fabio: I must go!

<Fabio has logged off.>

PMaddie: From there, he just ran off. boy, how nervous that Fabio was! I’m flattered!

Redpuff: Uh, Mads? r u SURE he likes u back?


Redpuff: ..ummm…

Redpuff: i’ll back off. ive got too many “Love” issues right now.

<Redpuff has logged off.>
Tails: Hm, I wonder wats going on with him?

JLo: Who, Redpuff?

Tails: Yea

PMaddie: I’ll tell you what!!! He’s just jealous that I’ve taken a man already…    😛

Tails: Uh, surrrreeee….

JLo: I guess we could go with that crazy thought….

PMaddie: Well, HMPH! Dont believe me? then im GONE, ask Redpuff about what he thinks of me!! i might as well flirt to get the correct answer outta him. but poor fabio, i might  break his strong, muscular heart! i’m better off with Fabio and Fabio alone. we will grow up together and–

<Tails has logged off.>

<JLo has logged off.>

PMaddie:    ❓

<PMaddie has logged off.>

Chat 11

Lavaster has logged on.

Tails has logged on.

Lavaster: Guess what??!?!

Tails: Wat?

Lavaster: Im bring back CP posts and i know someone who’s writing a book!!!!

Tails: Cool! i would ask u who’s writing a book, but i have a feeling ur not gonna tell me

Lavaster: Yep!

Tails: So wats it bout?

Lavaster: about a 12-year old secret agent kid who gets captured by a thief and has to escape and does and captures the thief, thief goes in jail, thief escapes, blah blah blah.

Tails: Cool, sounds awesome! wats it about?

Lavaster:     …

Tails: JK!

Lavaster: u werent listening, were u?

Tails: Nope!
Lavaster: ok anyways, the writer isnt sure if it’s good. besides, shes still writing it

Tails: Cool

Tails: but when it comes out do i have to buy it?

Lavaster: if u want, but I’M going to be writing an eBook for FREE!!! well, maybe i might write it. and if i do, MOST LIKELY for free. if i have to charge a price, then i will.

Tails: i hope u dont have to!

Tails: o, gotta go, hawk just egged my house!!

Lavaster: he WHAT?!??!?

Tails: bye!

<Tails logged off.>

Lavaster: boy, that hawk really IS a hawk!

<Lavaster has logged off>

Chat 12.

<Saksuku [puffle] has logged on>

<Mario [puffle] has logged on>

<Jasmine has logged on>

Jasmine: Hey Mario! wats up?

Mario: nutin. Our school is awesome, i cant wait to go back tomorrow!
Jasmine: Glad u liked ur first day! the student council elections are comin up, but i ALMOST ran for president. but i changed my mind to V.P. but Millie took it. Then I decided secretary but i did research and found out they do nothing cool. so, who r u votin’ for?

Mario: hmmm… i dunno, i think for pres im going 4 Fireball. For secretary Whiteout, school representative Lexa, historian Mindy and Jacob B. for V.P. but i might change my mind to Saksuku for V.P.

Jasmine: Cool, but i dont like saksuku. He’s mean to me and my friends!

Mario: he’s a bully? then i wont vote 4 him. u know i AM new!

Jasmine:   yeah….    🙂

Jasmine: So, wat time do u get off?

Mario: Off wat?

Jasmine: the after-school newspaper..?

Mario: O! Just finished my work, we’re waiting for Miss Pofferpuff to run down to the copy room and print out all 900 copies, though theres 1,029 of us. Including MEEEE!!! the principal told me

Jasmine: Awesome! hey, dont u think sak (saksuku) is so annoying? He’s so dumb, too! EVERYONE hates that dude, he’s bad! really bad! i dont see why he’s not expelled… plus, his crush, Mindy, knows he likes her but mindy thinks sak is a fat toad that barely can leap. dont u agree?

Mario: umm…

Jasmine: Well dont u? The rest of the school totally does, Mario!

Mario: Uh, yeah. sure he’s really mean.

Jasmine: oh THANK YOU for saying dat, mario! i thought u were gonna end up like Joshua, who moved to Cassidy Walk because nobody liked him. he thot sak was okay, can u believe that?!?!

Mario: ..noo.?

Jasmine:      😐     whatever, just do u have any   😎     cool “PENGU SNEAKERS” baseball hat I could use tomorrow? Karly is throwing a campaign for who wears their sneaker hats better.

Mario: Sure! r u a finalist or can i join? i have a collection of TEN hats I wear! You’ll get my ninth hat, I like my tenth one.

Jasmine: Cool! Yeah, shes takin in more. Maximum of 15 puffles, you’d be the twelfth! Actually, a LOT of puffles wanna join but some of them can’t and some of them are gonna join tomorrow morning in homeroom, so ya.

Mario: sweet, i’ll lend u mine! just come over, i also got a new video game: “X-Drag Force”, wanna play multiplayer?

Jasmine: OMG U HAVE IT??? DO I EVER!!!!

<Jasmine has logged off>

<Mario has logged off.>

Saksuku: That hurt.

<Saksuku has logged off.>

Chat 13.

<Lime has logged on.>

<XFadeaway has logged on>

<Belldranit has logged on>

<Becky has logged on>

<Lavaster has logged on>

Lavaster: O MY GOSH UR ACTUALLY ON?!?!?!

Becky: u r, too?!??!


Becky: Me either!!!!

Belldranit: Boy, they’re good friends, dontcha think so, Fade?


Xfadeaway: I’d doubt that.


Becky: Whats a puffle?

Lavaster: …

Xfadeaway: Obviously she’s not a Club Penguin player.

Belldranit: yeh.

Belldranit: Yeah, i mean.

Becky: U guys are weirdos!

<Becky has logged off.>

Belldranit: Oh, she was mean!!!

Xfadeaway: You still think they’re besties? Or arch enemies?

Lavaster: Whatever.


Lavaster: *screams* AAAAH!!!


Belldranit: Gaaaaah!!!

Lavaster: Lime, you SCARED us half to death!

Lavaster: And besides, arent u supposed to be a runaway?

Lime: Not anymore! I got adopted!

Belldranit: By who?

Xfadeaway: by ME!!!    😀    😀    😀

Belldranit: Cool!

Lavaster: cool!

Lime: I got a pet toad last week. Fade let me!

Lavaster: Gross, dude, just gross…

Belldranit: SWEEEET!

Xfadeaway: I have Lime keep his pet toad away from our guests, but that mischievous toad alwayz finds a way out of his bedroom in our igloo!

Lavaster: Must be hard to keep him as a pet!

Lavaster: Hey, are you guys looking for the clues to meet me on cp?

Xfadeaway: Yea, its pretty tricky!

<Hawk has logged in>

Belldranit: cant find the second clue…

Belldranit: I mean “eluc”, how you mostly say it.


Belldranit: oh my moms calling me, byeeee!

<belldranit has logged off.>

Lime: So Xfadeaway, you know my toad?

XFadeaway: DUHHH

Lime: Well, just think…. under MY possession. I like telling everyone, everywhere about it.

Xfadeaway: I kinda noticed that.

Lime: Remember Dior’s poem?

Xfadeaway: What– OH MY GAWD!!!! I GOT IT, thaaaank uu!

Xfadeaway: But do i go to his cage?

Lime: CONTAINER!!! and no, u dont.

Xfadeaway: I talk to u r wat???!?!?! wat am i supposed to do?!??!

Lime: Actually, ur correct on that.

Xfadeaway: True that??!? AWESOME!!!
<Xfadeaway has logged off with the mood, “Excited!” on.>

Lime: Awkward….

Lavaster: k, im–back???

Lavaster: hey where is everybody?
Lime: THey all left.

Lavaster: oh.

Lavaster: okey-dokey, thanks for helping with my contest!

Lime: You’re welcome anytime, Lavaster!

Lime: r u going, lava?

Lavaster: u mean logging off? Yeah.

Lime: ok. bye!

Lavaster: l8r g8r!

<Lavaster has logged off.>

Lime: Hey there! Yeah, you! You reading this! Can YOU find all of Lavaster and Dior’s clues before someone else gets them? This is a REAL challenge!

Lime: I wish you some good luck!

Lime: Check out Lavaster’s secret site, too!

<Lime has logged off.>

Chat 13.

<Redpuff has logged on.>

<Shadon has logged on.>

Shadon: Hey, Redpuff, u remember that time i told u about jasmine?

Redpuff: yea

Shadon: well, Im over her now.

Redpuff: cool, whatever. hey, did you see Callie today?

Shadon: yea, wasnt she crying at lunch?

Redpuff: Yeah, word is that Saksuku yelled at her and said something that just shocked her. shes at the hospital, she cant stop crying. they think something’s wrong with her, she keeps saying she’s trying to stop but can’t! Like her eyes are leaking water…
Shadon: Dude, thats gross!!!

Redpuff: I know! Saksuku got EXPELLED and his parents have to pay for Callie’s medical bills, otherwise Saks will be placed in Puvi [Juvi for us puffles] and his parents in prison for a month each. Also, Saks is getting transferred to Oaksland Puffle School…

Shadon: Not the grade school, right?

Redpuff: not the grade school. but he kinda  deserves it, doesnt he?

Shadon: ya, a bunch.

<Belldranit has logged on.>
Belldranit: PUFFLES!

<Belldranit has logged off.>

Shadon:     😐

Redpuff:    :      :/      😐

Shadon: Who was that?!?!?     😯

Redpuff:    ❓   i dunno.

Redpuff: Hey, the smilies changed!!!!      😈    👿       🙂      😦    😥     😀    😉

Shadon: Okay..

<Shadon has logged off.>

Redpuff:  ?

<Redpuff has logged off.>

Chat 14.

<Jasmine has logged on>

<Trevor has logged on>

Jasmine: Hey, Trevs. Red told me about.. you. Wait, did you make another account? What happened with your Red one?

Trevor: Got tired of the name. And Just forget it, whatevs he said.

Jasmine: no, i understand!!! plz, just talk to meh!

Trevor: i cant take u seriously if u say “meh”.

Jasmine: Fine. Please, just talk to me!

Trevor: *sigh*

Jasmine: TREVOR….

Trevor: Did he tell you..?

Jasmine: yea.

Trevor: Wat did he say 2 u?

Jasmine: I know u like me, Trevor. I didn’t know before, I’m sorry!


Chat 15.

Trevor: You didnt? I think you were supposed to find out sooner or later.

Jasmine:  But I didn’t!! Boys are supposed to impress girls, THEN ask them out! Girls hate it when boys want them to ask *them* out! It turns us off!

Trevor: But thats not what this is about, Jaz..

Jasmine: Well, just lettin u know… in case you’ll ever need it.

Trevor: um, k thanks. hey, isn’t there a homecoming comin’ soon?

Jasmine: Yeah, I signed up for queen, but so did Ice and some girl named Hannah.. I wonder who’ll win?

Trevor: I hope you…

Jasmine: What r u thinking?

Trevor: I am voting for you!

Jasmine: Aw, thanks! Oh, do u like this purple text thing? It’s a new feature for premium members…

Trevor: Dontcha have 2 pay for that

Jasmine: No, but its exclusive and only for the VIP… basically they invite *you* to be a VIP member. You don’t.

Trevor: kewl. Think u could get me in?

Jasmine:  nah, but I can try. i think they might actually let you in, tho. They take opinions from VIPs, but not from regular users. Pretty cool, huh?

Trevor: Ya… do you like limos?

Jasmine: omg, *LUV* em! Y?

Trevor: Hold on…

Trevor: ok. i just got one.

Jasmine: Y????

Trevor: Homecoming, duh!!

Jasmine: yeah, i cant believe it’s in half a month! Im so excited, I already picked out my wig!

Trevor: Puffle wig, right? Lava’s letting u get that?

Jasmine: Yes!!! They’re really expensive, but me and Lava can afford it, obviously! I mean, we’re not as rich as this dude named Generalthug was, cuz he had EVERYTHING. I MEAN *everything*! Lava knows cuz he was famous…. ish. He didnt have a blog, tho. he was just popular! I think he was rare?

Jasmine: Then he disappeared and i think i heard someone at school talking about some blog he made with a friend, but i don’t know what the name is. Ive searched, but im starting to think someone else started the blog n added him.

Trevor: Wait, it sounds like you’re talking about Jwolfer? I heard something identical. You see, the new puffle Fire told me about some site Jwolfer started up. Do u believe it? Plus, he’s also famous-ish n has a partner working with him for the blog!

Jasmine: Oh. anyways, let’s go back… u really like me?

Trevor: yehh…

Jasmine: ok. but we’re still friends, right?

Trevor: Ya.

Jasmine: Thanks 🙂  You’re cool.

Trevor: Thanks! Oh i have 2 go. text me when u’ve made up your mind of who u are going to HC (homecom.) with… ive got the perfect idea in mind   😀
Jasmine: Sounds awesome! I will be rite there, bye


Chat 16

[Jeff has logged on.]

[Jasmine has logged on.]

Jeff: Hey, Jaz! Are you going to the HC with anyone?
Jasmine: no, but im thinking about asking-nvm.

Jeff: But for sure you’re going right? and i wanna ask you something.

Jasmine: okay, whats the question? And yeah im going FOR SURE.

Jeff: Do you wanna go out with me to the Homecoming next Friday evening?

Jasmine: Yes, totally yes! I will see you there!

Jeff: Booyah! Hey, n i think i no who callie should go with.

Jeff: Trevorrrr!

Jasmine: oh. hey, u heard about the whole trevor/redpuff mix-up, right?

Jeff: Yeah, they kept getting mixed up and they kept exchanging each other’s accounts and they acted like each other… WAIT A MINUTE! do you think something fishy is goin on? Srsly! i think

Jasmine: PUFFLE-Os!!! DUDE, they were the SAME PERSON! No wonder why i only saw one of em almost everyday!


Chat 17.

[Jeff has logged on.]

[Jasmine has logged on.]

Jeff: Hey, Jasmine! I talked to “them.” He admitted he was acting as someone else.

Jasmine: Good! Everything was sooo crazy! Like when he was acting as another puffle.

Jeff: Yeah. Hey, was home coming good? i was so tired last night i couldnt ask you about it

Jasmine: Yeah, I was tired too. and it ROCKED, especially since I was with YOU!

Jeff: That’s good.. do u want to go out?

Jeff: Man, I shouldnt have asked that here. i shouldve asked u in person.

Jasmine: Naw, man, it’s cool. And yes, I would love to be your girlfriend!

Jeff: Thanks, Jasmine! Have I ever told you ur cute and really nice?

Jasmine: No but thank you!! I ❤ u!!

Jeff: Really? Me too, Jasmine… I love you too. 🙂

[Ice has logged on.]

[Fire has logged on.]

[Lily has logged on.]

[Holly has logged on.]

Ice1: Hey hey HEEYYYY wassup!!

Lily7: We’re actually new here…. Ice just likes to do that. Is it okay if we chat here, too?

Holly: I’m new, too! And I dunno u guys!

Fire1: I’m with Lily and Ice! Lily’s the thoughtful one, and Ice is the never-thinks-before-acting and straight-to-the-point one.

Holly: I dont exactly *know* how to use this messenger…. are u guys puffles?

Fire1: We all are. This is a puffle messenger…

Holly: Oh, sorry! Im a penguin!

[Holly has logged off.]

Jasmine: Can u come to the pizza parlor with me, Jeff?

Jeff: Yea let’s go!

[Jasmine has logged off.]

[Jeff has logged off.]

Ice1: BYE imma ride my Spuff bike, the hottest and coolest, and newest, and foreign, and FASTEST bike ever made!!! Also the most expensive!

[Ice1 has logged off.]

[Fire1 has logged off.]

[Lily7 has logged off.]

[Chat room empty.]

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 2nd, 2008


    • Xfadeaway
    • November 2nd, 2008

    Here’s what happened before my puffles began Puffle Camp.. *sob* I MISS MY PUFFLES!
    Pinky has logged in.
    Redpuff has logged in.
    Xfadeaway has logged in.
    Pinky: Xfadeaway, I mean mom, can we go to this cool sport called Puffle Camp?
    Redpuff: It has surfing, my favorite activity! I can teach Pinky how to surf!
    Xfadeaway: *sob* NOOO! I WOULD NEVER LET YOU GO!
    Redpuff: Aww.. Mom, please?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    Xfadeaway: Fine.. as long as you don’t get pufflenapped.
    Pinky: COME ON REDPUFF! LET’S GO! WHOO! *heads out the door*
    ILoveHannahMontana has logged in.
    ILoveHannahMontana: *captures puffles and brings them to prison*
    ILoveHannahMontana has logged off
    Redpuff: Mom’s right, we shouldn’t have gotten pufflenapped..
    Xfadeaway: *sob* What if Pinky drowns when she makes a mistake when she surfs?
    Xfadeaway has logged off
    And they are never to be seen each other again..

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 2nd, 2008

    But I didn’t know they were pufflenapped, so I thought they were in puffle camp.

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 2nd, 2008

    Alright people.. to tell the truth, I am chinese.

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 2nd, 2008

    Tails has logged in.
    Tails: ?
    Snowland has logged in.
    Snowland: ? Oh Tails! You spread your habit to me!
    Tails: Liar! You can’t “spread” habits!
    Snowland: ?
    Snowland: To tell the truth, I said that on purpose.
    Tails: LIAR!!!!
    Tails has logged out
    Snowland has logged out

    • Belldranit (on different computer)
    • November 2nd, 2008


    Tails has logged on
    Xfadeaway has logged on
    Belldranit has logged on
    Belldranit: Hi, everybody!
    Xfadeaway: Hey!
    Tails: Sup?
    MileyCyrus has logged on
    MichaelJackson has logged on
    WeirdAl has logged on
    BarackObama has logged on
    SelenaGomez has logged on
    BrendaSong has logged on
    Belldranit: Okay, why are these people on here?
    Tails has logged out
    Xfadeaway: Miley Cyrus? Ew…
    Xfadeaway has logged out
    Belldranit has logged out
    Everybody has logged out, except Michael Jackson
    Michael Jackson: Um…can someone tell me how I was a cool pop star until I turned into an ugly white guy with long hair?

  1. dude i lost that habit days ago i stopped sonic a little while to play banjo kazooie

  2. the last name Yang is chinese, so it was kind of obvious to me. lol

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 2nd, 2008


    Please don’t say my last name.

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 2nd, 2008

    Tails has logged in.
    Lavaster has logged in.
    Tails: Okay, before I even say that, I hate doing that habit.
    Lavaster: What habit?
    Tails: That habit! I don’t even wanna say one word of it anymore!
    Lavaster: Ok, weirdo.
    Lavaster has logged off
    Tails has logged off

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 3rd, 2008

    At least you people don’t know my first name, and don’t say it if you know it, lavaster! 😛

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 3rd, 2008

    Goth: Gosh, what a 7-year old girl she is! She’s pretty tall.
    Kali: What’s your first name?
    Me: Lily.
    Oapi: What are you going to do?
    Lily: I’m going to stretch myself without doing anything. *stretches myself until I break into half*
    Oapi: Wow, that’s gotta hurt!
    Lily: Actually, it doesn’t hurt at all.
    Goth: Gosh, Oapi, don’t interrupt Lily’s trick!
    Lily: *gets back together without any tape at all* Ta da!
    Audience: *cheer*
    Oapi: That was the worst talent I’ve ever seen in my whole life!
    Goth: Half good, half bad.

  3. heres my chance at american idol


    simon:woah this guy must be terrible

    tails:SHUT IT SIMON!


    paula:what will you be singing

    tails:slowride by fog hat

    randy:that song is awesome

    Slow ride, take it easy – Slow ride, take it easy,
    Slow ride, take it easy – Slow ride, take it easy.

    I’m in the mood, the rhythm is right,
    Move to the music, we can roll all night.
    Oooh, oooh, slow ride – oooh, oooh …

    Slow ride, take it easy
    Slow ride, take it easy

    Slow ride, take it easy – Slow ride, take it easy
    Slow down, go down, got to get your lovin’ one more time
    Hold me, roll me, slow ridin’ woman you’re so fine

    smon:woah that was perfectly on key

    randy:yeah there is a good way hes on hollywood!

    paula:oh hes there TAILS YOUR GOING TO HOLLYWOOD!

    tails:woooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances*

  4. newest chat

    *tails has logged on*

    *xfadeaway has logged on*

    tails:hey xfadeaway

    xfadeaway:hey tails

    *??? has logged on*

    tails:ok whats this prank xfadeaway

    xfadeaway:not me i think a bear that can play a banjo is here

    tails:ok thats a good guess but i think its




    xfadeaway:not funny snowland

    tails:oh guys heres a funny idea for a political party i call it THE POUNCING MOOSE PARTY!!!!!!!!

    xfadeaway:its a joke right


    snowland:that was funny

    *everyone logs off*

    *fabio has logged on*

    fabio: IM STUPID AND DUMB!!

    *fabio has logged off*


    • Xfadeaway
    • November 3rd, 2008

    OOOOOh i’m on the americas got talent again! FOR REAL! watch on tv today!
    Lily: Hello fans! I’m going to sing Bubbly by Colbie Caillat.
    Oapi: Ugh, I hate that song!
    Goth: *pretends not to notice*
    Kali: That song’s boring!!!!!!
    Lily: I’ve been awake for a while now, you got me feeling like a child now. Cause every time I see your bubbly face, I got the tinglies in a silly place… (for full version, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04qbL6lLDDw)
    Oapi: You got a good voice, but it’s just that I hate that song!
    Goth: Gosh, you were too quiet! I couldn’t hear you!
    Hawaii (boss): Sorry, you didn’t make it to the grand contest. Better luck next time!

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 4th, 2008

    XN (Xfadeaway news) is now created! I quit making XC. Sorry, fans of XC!

    Issue 1 November 3, 2008

    Lily is on Americas Got Talent!
    Seriously. If you missed it, too bad! Unfortunately she didn’t win. At least she had a good voice! This is it. Her chance is over. She just missed her chance!

    Texas Hurricane Stops
    The terrible hurricane has finally stopped. Now, all the workers of Texas are rebuilding the places and structures, and they are currently doing OK.

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 4th, 2008

    Aww man, wordpress keeps messing up the newspaper format! Now the newspaper is ugly. I could have put in bold, italic, and underline only if the stupid wordpress format service allowed me to put them in comments!

    • Belldranit
    • November 4th, 2008

    Xfadeaway, I like Bubbly by Colbie Caillat! I have it on my playlist on LavaSpace!

  5. I made my own chat!!! Cool Uguu chat!!!! So far me and my classmates and my puffs and my pokemon are on!!! Ok! Here I go!

    L.L has logged in
    Uguu logged in
    Uguu:Hey Lucas!!
    L.L: Hey!!
    B.P logged in
    B.p: UGUU!!!!
    Uguu: Brave puffle!!!
    L.L: YUCK!!
    L.L logged out
    B.P: Who is that?!
    Uguu: My class-mate!
    B.P logged out
    Beedrill logged on
    Beedrill: Buzz! Hi my good trainer!
    Beedrill: Oops! I forgot!
    Leader logged off!
    Bulbasaur logged on
    Jigglypuff logged on
    Drowzee logged on
    Bulbasaur: Hey guys!!! Hello Jigglypuff…♥♥♥! I ♥ YOU JIGGLYPUFF!!
    Jigglypuff: Hee hee! Oh well! Hey Drowzee! When you left to see Uguu’s dream when I sang what was the dream?
    Drowzee: She dreamt of how lucky she was to have us!!!
    Beedrill: And last night I had a dream of all of you being the biggest pokemon you can evolve into!
    Jigglypuff: Why not you?
    Beedrill: I’M ALREADY A FULL LEVEL!!!
    Bulbasaur: Tell us where you started ’till now!
    Beedrill: I’ll sing about it!
    Jigglypuff: Can I sing too?
    Everyone: NO!!! WE WANNA BE AWAKE! NOT ASLEEP!!!!!
    Jigglypuff: Sigh!
    Beedrill: I once was a little weedle, with about 10 legs! Then I was captured by my new trainer! Happers! But he then abanded me in a cage all alone.I was about to give up hope! But then Uguu came and took me outta there! Then I was free!!! I was with Uguu and then I twitched and turned! Then I was evolving! Then I was a kakuna with nowhere to go! But… Uguu still used me in battle!!! Then when I was leveled up, I grew wings!!! And I evolved into BEEDRILL!!! So now I am here! So I am free to roam and free to soar!!! And free to sting!!! So that is my story….!
    Everyone: BRAVO!!!
    Drowzee: *Kisses Beedrill*
    Beedrill: *Faints*
    Everyone logged off
    Uguu logged in
    Uguu: Bravo!! I heard you singing!! Wait…
    *Cricets chirp*
    Uguu: I’M LONESOME!!! Hello? *echo echo*
    Uguu logged off

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 5th, 2008

    Sorry this format is ugly, but at least it’s better than Issue 1. “-” is used as a space.

    Issue 2——————————–November 5, 2008

    ———Stupid Girl Named Caitlin Moss Hurt Me, Alot!———–
    REALLY! IT’S BLEEDING! She scratched my right fist, but she scratched my left fist (and I’m left-handed so I can’t write) even more! OWW OWW OWW! Plus, she stepped on my right foot WORST! I told the teacher and she said it was by aciddent, even though I KNOW IT WAS ON PURPOSE! STUPID CAITLIN!

    ————-Congratulations, Obama!————————
    McCain wants war, so if I ever voted for him we would just die! I mean it! And I changed my mind. I like Obama more than McCain. McCain is kinda “awkward” and so is Sarah Palin. Okay, enough talk about presidents and stuff.

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 5th, 2008

    Man, wordpress messed it up A LITTLE BIT! At least it’s better than last time. Okay, enough caps.

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 5th, 2008

    Btw caitlin was so offensive that I put her last name on there.


    • Belldranit
    • November 6th, 2008

    Belldranit has logged in
    Tinardlleb has logged in
    Evil Belldranit has logged in
    Xfadeaway has logged in
    Yawaedafx has logged in
    Evil Xfadeaway has logged in
    Tails has logged in
    Sliat has logged in
    Evil Tails has logged in
    Lavaster has logged in
    Retsaval has logged in
    Evil Lavaster has logged in
    Belldranit: Is it just me or are we surrounded by a backwards duplicate and an evil duplicate of ourself?
    Lavaster: I think so…
    Retsaval: …Os knith I
    Evil Lavaster: NO, I DON’T THINK SO!!!!
    Tails: Is it okay if I leave?
    Sliat: ?Evael I fi yako ti si
    Evil Tails: IS IT OKAY IF I LEAVE THIS DUMP????? *sets chat on fire*
    *everyone leaves except Belldranit*
    Belldranit: Weird…

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 6th, 2008

    Okay, i’m making a new chat called Xfadeaway and Friends. A bunch of new friends will be included. This time, all of Xfadeaway’s friends don’t realise her yet, until the future chats come alive..
    Xfadeaway has logged in.
    Xfadeaway: Where are my friends?
    Salva has logged in.
    Salva: Who are you? I’ve never seen you around Datavy before.
    Xfadeaway: What’s Datavy?
    Salva: We’re IN Datavy right now! I mean, Datavy is the city we live in! I can tell, you’re new.
    Xfadeaway: Ohh.. I never heard of it. Maybe I got lost or something.
    Salva: Meet my friends. Come here, girls!
    Kaia has logged in.
    Kaia: Oh hi! What’s your name?
    Xfadeaway: My name is Xfadeaway. I never knew this city was named Datavy. I feel lost.
    Kaia: Oh, don’t worry! Once you stay in Datavy for a while, you’ll get to make new friends and get used to it.
    Salva: Hey, these aren’t all my friends! You’ll meet my friends one at a time so I don’t push too much on you.
    Opast has logged in.
    Xfadeaway: Hmm, seems like you and your friends have strange names.
    Salva: I know, we are different. For grades at school, you get Z-, or if you did really bad you get negative Z.
    Opast: Yeah, like for example if I did really, really bad I would get grade -100.
    Xfadeaway: Strange. I’ll teach the town of Datavy the proper way.
    Kaia: What proper way?
    Xfadeaway: I don’t know.. I forgot.
    Kaia: It looks like you are from China, right, Xfadeaway?
    Xfadeaway: Yeah..
    Opast: We speak a different language. We are just learning english. We spent 4 years in school, studying all day long about english.
    Xfadeaway: Wow, that must be tiring! I mean, imagine yourself working all day long for your whole life. Boooring!
    Salva: Hey, actually, we’re starting to be friends now, Xfadeaway!
    Kaia: Do you want me to teach you Datavian? Datavian is the language of Datavy.
    Xfadeaway: I thought languages are for COUNTRIES, not cities..
    Salva: I know, but we’re different.
    Kaia: Oh, gotta go! My mom is calling me for doing english homework.. grrr.
    Kaia has logged out.
    Opast: Okay, first things first. Datavian is kinda inexperienced, actually, but anyway..
    Salva: I know, like we can’t actually teach you Datavian, but we can speak Datavian and then you can learn from it. It’s hard to learn Datavian, that’s why it’s only available as a first language.
    Opast: Ne albe opri?
    Salva: That means “how are you?”
    Opast: Oh Salva, we gotta go study about english.. man!
    Salva: Okay, bye!
    Salva has logged out.
    Opast has logged out.
    Xfadeaway: Thanks, friends!
    Xfadeaway has logged out.

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 6th, 2008

    Salva has logged in.
    Opast has logged in.
    Kaia has logged in.
    Kaia: Hmm.. I wonder where Xfadeaway is?
    Xfadeaway has logged in.
    Opast: Oh, there she is!
    Salva: Yeah! I bet we’re having something really fun today!
    Zuara has logged in.
    Opast: THERE IT IS!
    Xfadeaway: There is what?
    Salva: The enemy.. of Datavy… is rising! Every million years, a great, mysterious power rises from Datavy’s material leftovers, like bricks, rocks, dirt, and other things.
    Zuara: Ioapa uiap!
    Kaia: I will translate what Zuara says into english, okay?
    Xfadeaway: What did Zuara just say?
    Opast: I will attack Zuara!
    Salva: I will defend our team!
    Kaia: Zuara said “Destroy land!” It is told that Zuara is a robot, and someone evil is controlling him.. but we aren’t sure. This is our chance to find out!
    Opast: Salva, defend Xfadeaway quick!
    Zuara: *hits Xfadeaway really hard with a punch*
    Salva: *before Zuara punches Xfadeaway, Salva defends*
    Xfadeaway: Thanks Salva!
    Salva: No problem. 😀
    Opast: *headbutts Zuara*
    Zuara: *dodges headbutt*
    Kaia: Zuara’s name in english means “Cursing Spirit”.
    Opast: Man, Zuara is pretty strong!
    Xfadeaway: Oh, I get it! A spirit is a person’s life when they die. A curse means a magical spell that threatens your life. So “Cursing Spirit” means a person’s soul is threatening our life!
    Kaia: Guys, did you hear that?
    Opast: Yeah!
    Salva: Yeah!
    Kaia: I heard that there was a rule if you don’t like life, don’t ruin it for others, like saying you hate life out loud.
    Salva: Gotta go do my homework! Opast, you’re in charge!
    Salva has logged off.
    Zuara: Uaido!
    Kaia: Zuara said “Stop!”
    Opast: O ne uaido, ny yau uaido.
    Kaia: Opast said “If you stop, we will stop.”
    Zuara: Ua, ua!
    Kaia: Zuara says “Okay, okay!”
    Zuara has logged off.
    Kaia: YAY!
    Opast: YAY!
    Xfadeaway: YAY!
    Opast: Oh Kaia, we gotta go to English School! Bye!
    Opast has logged off.
    Kaia has logged off.
    Xfadeaway: Bye!
    Xfadeaway has logged off.
    Zuara has logged in.
    Zuara: T JA UAI GALD HAM T OPDN UEI! (I will threaten Datavy for a million years!)
    Zuara has logged off.

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 6th, 2008

    P.S. Remember Datavian (keep them on a document on your computer or something) because it will help you solve the ending mystery!

    • Snowland202 (notloggedin)
    • November 6th, 2008


    1. What the FRICK?? “Snowland: SUPER ROCKIN XFADEAWAY POWER!!!” I would never say that! Xfadeaway, take me out of your chats. Now.

    2. Tails….. The American Idol thingy was cheap.

    3. These chats are getting idiotic.

  6. I kinda agree on 3, Snow.
    No offense to anyone, but they’re confusing… and getting a bit over-the-top nowadays.

  7. i heard that


    1. WHAT IN THE NAME OF CHEESE PUFFS? “Bell: REBECCA!? Who are you?” “Bell: OMG a new room in Club Penguin! Bye!” “Bell: What’s up with all these log-offs? Hey, my stupid noob mother grounded me for some reason! Gotta go!” Xfadeaway, I would never say any of those things! Take me out of your chats. Now.
    2. Tails…you copied my comment I sent to my friends on LavaSpace
    3. You did the same, Xfadeaway
    4. Don’t you think that these chats are really getting boring?

  9. who the heck is Rebecca?

  10. I KNOW!

    • Xfadeaway (different computer)
    • November 8th, 2008

    i know this is stupid..

  11. (Bulbasur logged on)
    Bulbasaur:: AHHH! IM EVOLVEING! *Turns into…..IVYSAUR! And a shiny one too!*
    Uguu logged on
    Uguu: Hello shiny Ivysaur! Have you seen my bulbasaur?
    Uguu: Wow! Good for ya!
    Drowzee logged on
    Jigglypuff logged on
    Uguu: Now that all…
    Beedrill loged on
    Uguu: Now that all…
    Ditto logged on
    Uguu: Now that all of us are here I have to announce Bulbasaur is a Ivysaur!
    Ditto: Ditt Ditto! Hello! *Turns into a Ivysaur* Ditto like Ivysaur! *Turns back into a Ditto*


    *yes, that too

    Lavaster, stop correcting me
    Are you my teacher?

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 8th, 2008

    Pichu has logged in.
    Poliwag has logged in.
    Pichu: Hi Poliwag!
    Poliwag: Hi Pichu! Want to work on a team to battle trainers who want to catch us?
    Pichu: Yeah!
    Bridget has logged in.
    Pikachu: Who are you? Oh, you’re a trainer! Get ready for battle, Poliwag!
    Bridget: Ooh, two pokemon! Go Dewgong and Staryu!
    Pichu: Wow, I can definitely beat Water-types!
    Poliwag: NOO! I’LL LOSE!
    Pichu: *uses Thunder on Staryu and does 10 damage*
    Poliwag: *uses Bubblebeam on Dewgong and does 2 damage*
    Dewgong: *uses Ice Beam on Pichu and does 5 damage*
    Staryu: *uses Surf on Poliwag and does 1 damage*
    Pichu: *uses Body Slam on Staryu and does 15 damage*
    Staryu: *faints*
    Bridget: Nooo! My level 6 Staryu!
    Poliwag: *uses Surf on Dewgong and does 3 damage*
    Dewgong: *faints*
    Bridget: Fine, I give you $20 for losing.
    Bridget has logged out.
    Pichu: Whoo hoo!
    Poliwag: Yay!
    Pichu: What is this white glow surrounding me? Oh! *evolves into Pikachu*
    Poliwag: Yay, me too! *evolves into Poliwhirl*
    Pikachu: You look much stronger now!
    Poliwhirl: You too! Okay, let’s have dinner in the pond!
    Pikachu: Wait! I am effective against Water, which means I might suck up all the water in the pond!
    Poliwhirl: Oh. Okay, let’s just sleep here for the rest of our lives.
    Pikachu: Yeah!
    Poliwhirl: *falls asleep*
    Pikachu: *falls asleep*

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 8th, 2008

    Ugh, billions of blue blistering barnacles! Sorry if I caused confusion.

    “Pikachu: Who are you? Oh, you’re a trainer! Get ready for battle, Poliwag!”

    It’s suppose to be PICHU, not Pikachu!

    • Snowland202 (notloggedin)
    • November 9th, 2008

    I HATE these now.

    • Belldranit
    • November 10th, 2008

    So do I

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 10th, 2008

    If you hate it so much then don’t look at them!
    Pikachu has logged on.
    Poliwhirl has logged on.
    Pikachu: Have you heard the PokeNews? There are some bottles of water that contain a special liquid called PokeVirus. PokeVirus can make your stats lower, including health points.
    Poliwhirl: I hope there aren’t any PokeVirus in the pond! I live in the pond.
    Bridget has logged on.
    Bridget: Hmph, I better not lose this time because I have a stronger Pokemon now! Go Fearow!
    Pikachu: OH YEAH GO ME! I’m totally useful for this one.
    Poliwhirl: At least I help a little bit..
    Pikachu: *uses Thunderbolt on Fearow and does 30 damage*
    Poliwhirl: *uses Water Pulse on Fearow and does 10 damage*
    Fearow: *uses Fly on Pikachu and does 4 damage*
    Pikachu: HAHA, WEAK ONE! *uses Thunder on Fearow and does 35 damage*
    Poliwhirl: *uses Rain Dance*
    It starts to rain!
    Pikachu: Hey, what’d you do that for? There are no fire Pokemon here!
    Fearow: *uses Peck on Poliwhirl and does 5 damage*
    It continues raining..
    Pikachu: *uses Thunderbolt on Fearow and does 29 damage*
    Fearow: *faints*
    It continues raining..
    Bridget: Ugh, I’m all beat up! How could you beat my level 20 Fearow? Fine, take $100.
    Bridget has logged out.
    Pikachu: Level 20? Wow..
    Poliwhirl: I’m thirsty! *drinks rain* At least NOW Rain Dance was useful..
    Poliwhirl: Let’s go sleep. *falls asleep*
    Pikachu: Yeah. *falls asleep*
    Could Poliwhirl get infected with PokeVirus because she drank the rain? You know, rain’s dirty. I hope you learned a lesson from this! 😉

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 10th, 2008

    Poliwhirl DID get infected with PokeVirus. Let’s see what happens next!
    Torchic has logged on.
    Pikachu has logged on.
    Poliwrath has logged on.
    Pikachu: What?? I thought you were Poliwhirl!
    Poliwrath: Hmm.. I think I evolved when I was sleeping.
    Pikachu: Wait, now I’m evolving, too! *evolves into Raichu*
    Bridget has logged on.
    Torchic: Ugh, not this person who wanted to catch me last time!
    Raichu: Huh? Who are you?
    Torchic: I’m Torchic and I would like to join your team. Bridget is my enemy.
    Poliwrath: Yeah, she’s our enemy, too!
    Bridget: I’ve got something worth more than my cheap Fearow! Go Palkia!
    Poliwrath: WHAT?? Bridget got Palkia!?
    Raichu: *uses Thunder on Palkia and does 10 damage*
    Raichu: Palkia must have a high defense, because Thunder is not that weak on most Pokemon!
    Poliwrath: I have a feeling we’re going to lose in this battle..*uses Surf on Palkia and does 3 damage*
    Torchic: Man, I know Water beats Fire. *uses Flamethrower and does 1 damage*
    Palkia: *uses AncientPower on Raichu and does 500 damage*
    Raichu: Ugh.. I feel.. low on health.. *uses Thunder on Palkia and does 2 damage*
    Bridget: Haha, now I’m winning!
    Poliwrath: *uses Surf and does 1 damage*
    Torchic: *uses Ember and does 2 damage*
    Bridget: *uses PokeBall on Raichu and catches Raichu*
    Bridget: Muahaha!
    Poliwrath: *uses Close Combat on Palkia and does 4 damage*
    Torchic: *uses Ember on Palkia and does 2 damage*
    Bridget: *runs away from battle*
    Bridget has logged off.
    Poliwrath: Nooo! Bridget stole Raichu, my best friend! *sob*
    Torchic: Aww! Don’t worry, next time we’ll try harder.
    Poliwrath: I have a feeling Bridget has all the pokemon in the world of Pokemon!
    Torchic: Then why would she want to catch Raichu if she already has Raichu?
    Poliwrath: Maybe her other Raichu is weaker than our Raichu, so she wants to catch a stronger one..
    Torchic: We’ll try next time. Let’s just sleep. *falls asleep*
    Poliwrath: *falls asleep*
    Looks like the PokeVirus did no effect on this chat, eh? Well..

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 10th, 2008

    NOW on this chat, Poliwrath is going to be infected with PokeVirus.
    Poliwrath has logged on.
    Torchic has logged on.
    Poliwrath: Every time I wake up, Raichu calms me down like a alarmless alarm clock. But.. *sob*
    Torchic: Don’t worry, maybe Bridget will catch us and we’ll be with Raichu again!
    Poliwrath: I wonder what it feels like to be in a PokeBall.. Hey, I just felt a shivering feeling, but I’m not cold. Do I have PokeVirus?
    Torchic: On PokeNews, it said that these types are easier to get PokeVirus: Water, Fighting
    Poliwrath: Hey, I’m Water and Fighting type! I’m scared!
    Torchic: Don’t worry!!
    Poliwrath: I feel weak and tired.. I think I have low HP.
    Torchic: Me too.. did you just spread your PokeVirus to me? Hey, I think I’m evolving! *evolves into Combusken*
    Bridget has logged on.
    Poliwrath: Uh oh, bad time to go battling with low HP!
    Bridget: Muahaha!! Go Raichu and Darkrai!
    Raichu: Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you! But I don’t know about Darkrai..
    Poliwrath: Attack Darkrai! *uses Mach Punch on Darkrai and does 30 damage*
    Combusken: *uses Flamethrower on Darkrai and does 20 damage*
    Darkrai: *uses Bad Dreams on Poliwrath and puts him to sleep*
    Raichu: Now, this is my weakest move I’ve ever used. *uses Tackle on Combusken and does 1 damage*
    Poliwrath: *snore*
    Combusken: *uses Flamethrower on Darkrai and does 17 damage*
    Bridget: *uses PokeBall on Poliwrath and catches Poliwrath*
    Combusken: Oh dear.. *uses Flamethrower on Darkrai and does 1 damage* Huh? Oh, the PokeVirus is affecting me right now!
    Darkrai: *uses Bad Dreams on Combusken and puts him to sleep*
    Raichu: *uses Tackle on Combusken and does 2 damage*
    Combusken: *snore*
    Bridget: *uses PokeBall on Combusken and catches Combusken*
    Bridget: Hahaha! These weak Pokemon are now on my team! I’m going to do some research..

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 11th, 2008

    Bridget is actually a part of Team Galactic. Team Galactic is a group of theives that battle with trainers.
    Torchic has logged on.
    Poliwag has logged on.
    Pichu has logged on.
    Pichu: Hmm? We are all reset to our beginner evolution..
    Poliwag: And what is this glass-like case sealing us? I can’t breathe with this thing..
    Torchic: Seems like Bridget is a bad guy who wants to destroy Pokemon.. *everyone falls asleep in glass-like case*
    Bridget has logged on.
    Pichu: WAKE UP! WE’RE IN INSTANT DANGER! *everyone wakes up again*
    Bridget: Time to operate the Pokemon-destroyer! I haven’t used this for a while.. *presses a red button saying “DESTROY POKEMON”*
    Martin has logged on.
    Bridget: Now you pokemon, it is time for your doom! *very, very, very, very, very bright light comes out of glass-like case and blinds Pichu, Torchic, and Poliwag*
    Torchic: Can’t.. breathe.. *dies*
    Bridget: Now THAT’S what I wanna hear!
    Poliwag: No.. fresh.. air.. *dies*
    Pichu: Guys, snap out of it! This is important!
    Martin: *presses a green button that says “Restore Dead Pokemon” and glass-like case opens*
    Pichu: *climbs out of glass-like case and runs away*
    Poliwag: *climbs out of glass-like case and runs away*
    Torchic: *climbs out of glass-like case and runs away*
    Poliwag: Ooh! *finds a necklace on the ground and picks it up, and runs with Pichu and Torchic*
    To be continued..
    Will Martin and Bridget chase after the three Pokemon? Or will they get revenge more later?

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 11th, 2008

    Will the necklace guide them? Or will the necklace just lead them to serious doom?
    Combusken has logged on.
    Poliwrath has logged on.
    Raichu has logged on.
    Raichu: Hey, as soon as you picked that necklace up, we returned to our normal evolution stage!
    Necklace: You three Pokemon are in danger! You must find a special stone that will evolve Combusken into Blaziken.
    Poliwrath: Who’s Blaziken?
    Necklace: Sorry, but I am afraid I cannot tell you the answer to that.
    Bridget has logged on.
    Martin has logged on.
    Combusken: Hold on, don’t interrupt me. We didn’t do anything to you, but you guys are threatening us!
    Bridget: …
    Martin: …
    Poliwrath: Now see the truth? Don’t ever threaten us again, now! And don’t you dare come back!
    Bridget: AAH!
    Martin: RUN AWAY!!
    Bridget has logged off.
    Martin has logged off.
    Raichu: Excellent, Combusken! Now, let’s find the stone to evolve you..
    Poliwrath: Necklace, what stone is it called? Wait, huh? Where’s Necklace?
    Combusken: Hey, Bridget stole it! Noooo!
    Professor Nut has logged on.
    Raichu: Hi, can you help us? What is the stone that makes Combusken evolve into Blaziken?
    Professor Nut: Hmm.. I think it’s called a Fire Stone.
    Poliwrath: Where do you find Fire Stones?
    Professor Nut: I am sorry to say this, but Fire Stones are extremely rare. You can buy them at the Pokemon Shop for a high price.
    Combusken: Can you give us a Fire Stone?
    Professor Nut: Sorry, I don’t carry those around with you. However, I can join your team.
    Raichu: I know! Let’s go to the fire department! Maybe they have some!
    Professor Nut: I know the recipe for Fire Stones. Get a normal rock, and set it on fire for 3 minutes.
    Combusken: Here, I found a rock! Next, let’s go to the fire department and put the rock in a fire for 3 minutes. *everyone walks to the fire department*
    Professor Nut: Can we borrow a fire for 3 minutes?
    Firefighter Cynthia: Sure! It’s right behind you.
    Combusken: *turns around and puts rock in fire*
    Poliwrath: Today has been a long day!
    Professor Nut: Has anyone heard of a Pokedex?
    Raichu: Oh, me, me! It’s a machine that contains all the information of Pokemon. But only trainers can have them.
    3 minutes later..
    Combusken: *takes stone out of fire* Here it is! It’s BEAUTIFUL!
    Poliwrath: Now, squeeze it in your hands.
    Combusken: *squeezes stone* I’m changing! *evolves into Blaziken* YAY!
    Professor Nut: Oh, I’m afraid I have to go. Good luck with your adventure!
    Raichu: Let’s sleep now. *falls asleep*
    Poliwrath: Good idea. *falls asleep*
    Blaziken: *falls asleep*
    The necklace is gone, right? Anyway, speaking of the PokeVirus, Poliwrath, Blaziken, and Raichu have recovered already.

    • jigglychu
    • November 12th, 2008

    Chimecho logged on
    Raichu logged on
    Jigglypuff logged on
    Ivysaur logged on
    Zangoose logged on
    Zangoose: Hissssssssssss!!!
    Chimecho: AAAAAAAAAAAAA!
    Jigglypuff: ?!?!?!
    Raichu: What the heck?!
    Everyone logged off

    ~Pokemon Master~

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 13th, 2008

    Poliwrath has logged on.
    Raichu has logged on.
    Blaziken has logged on.
    Blaziken: I bet today, somebody’s going to catch us!
    Poliwrath: I hope we don’t get caught..
    Blaziken: Well you know a special kind of ball called a Spike Ball? Those work better on Steel-type Pokemon. They have spikes on the outside. So instead of using a Poke Ball on Steelix, it would be more liklier to catch one using a Spike Ball on Steelix.
    Raichu: And also, you know Spark Balls? Those ones work good on Electric-type Pokemon. If you get caught with a Spark Ball, you get a special condition called Paralysis.
    Poliwrath: Oh this one is sooo good. You people know what a Master Ball is? For those of you who don’t, if you use a Master Ball on a Pokemon, it never misses. It’s the perfect kind of ball to have while catching a rare pokemon!
    Sarah has logged on.
    Sarah: Wow, I can’t beileve I get to catch 3 Pokemon today! My mommy will be proud of me!
    Blaziken: Um, you know you’re just a kid..
    Sarah: I know! But I have caught so many beginner Pokemon so far! That’s a sign of a great start! Yay! Go Weedle!
    Poliwrath: Pfft. We are stronger than that little nipper.
    Raichu: *uses Thunderbolt on Weedle and does 20 damage*
    Poliwrath: *uses Water Gun*
    Blaziken: Hey Poliwrath, you just weakened my power! *uses Flamethrower on Weedle and does 9 damage*
    Weedle: *uses Poison Sting on Blaziken and does 3 damage*
    Raichu: *uses Thunder on Weedle and does 40 damage*
    Poliwrath: Wow, that Weedle still isn’t dead. Well take this! *uses Close Combat and does 30 damage*
    Blaziken: *uses Ember and does 20 damage*
    Sarah: *uses Spark Ball on Raichu and catches Raichu*
    Poliwrath: Nooooo! Why does Raichu always get caught first? *uses Hydro Pump on Weedle and does 29 damage*
    Blaziken: Wow Poliwrath, I never knew you had Hydro Pump! *uses Flamethrower on Weedle and does 31 damage*
    Sarah: *uses Flame Ball on Blaziken and catches Blaziken*
    Poliwrath: Oh I forgot to mention! Flame Ball is effective against Fire-type Pokemon and it BURNS when you get caught in one! *uses Hyrdro Pump on Weedle and does 24 damage* By the way, Sarah’s probably going to use a Rain Ball on me. Inside that ball, it’s raining in there! It’s amazing!
    Sarah: *uses Rain Ball on Poliwrath and catches Poliwrath*
    Is Sarah a nice trainer.. or is she going to destroy the three pokemon like Bridget did?

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 13th, 2008

    Sarah has logged on.
    Sarah: Now I’m going to release my three brand new Pokemon I caught yesterday! Go Blaziken, Poliwrath, and Raichu!
    Raichu: I.. have.. paralysis.. I can’t.. move!
    Blaziken: Wait, how did you get paralysis anyway?
    Raichu: Sarah.. caught me with.. a.. spark.. ball..!
    Poliwrath: And Spark Balls cause paralysis if you get caught in them.
    Sarah: Meet your new friends. Go Weedle and Caterpie!
    Weedle: Welcome to Sarah’s Secret Base!
    Blaziken: Wait, we’re in Sarah’s Secret Base? I never knew that! This place looks too natural to be a secret base!
    Caterpie: There’s a waterfall, a garden, a tree, and much more! There’s even a forest wallpaper and a grass-covered flooring!
    Poliwrath: It feels like we’re outdoors!
    Weedle: Exactly! And I heard that Raichu has paralysis from the Spark Ball. Here, have this Paralyze Heal.
    Raichu: I.. can’t.. move.. *uses Paralyze Heal* Ahh! I feel much better!
    Sarah: Come follow me! Let’s go battle another trainer. This is only an event for Weedle and Caterpie. Sorry! Return, Poliwrath, Blaziken, and Raichu!
    Rick has logged on.
    Rick: Hey, you kid! I’m older than you! I can definitely beat you! Go Staryu!
    Sarah: Oh yeah? Take this!
    Weedle: *uses Poison Sting on Staryu and does 3 damage*
    Caterpie: *uses Poison Sting on Staryu and does 5 damage, and poisons Staryu*
    Staryu: *faints*
    Sarah: Hahahahahahaha! Beat that!
    Caterpie: W-w-w-weedle, what’s this glow? AAHH HELP! *evolves into Metapod*
    Metapod: What the.. I changed!
    Sarah: You evolved! Evolve means you change into a new look and you have a new name. Isn’t that amazing?
    Weedle: Hey, I think I’m evolving, too! *evolves into Kakuna*
    To be continued..

    • Xfadeaway
    • November 14th, 2008

    Fine if you hate my comics, then I’m not going to post on Lavaster’s site anymore, I promise! I did this because of revenge for ignoring all the hard work I put into my pokemon comics!


    • jigglychu
    • November 15th, 2008

    I like Xfadeaway’s comics!

    • Snowland202 (notloggedin)
    • November 15th, 2008

    Oh, shut your ******* both of you.

    Ivysaur logged on
    Ivysaur: AHHH! RUN FOR COVER!!!!!!!
    *Everyone except uguu run off the planet and onto mars!*
    Magby: *Sigh* There goes my new wii!
    *Uguu jumps off before the World explodes. Then It comes back with everything on it!*


  14. omg this is soooo hilarious!!!!! i want to join! my real penguin name is 11rebelangel but i go by trixiegirl…. soo…. this is my info for the chat:
    name: trixiegirl
    age: 12
    likes: pizza, picnics, playing on the computer, cooking
    dislikes: being bored!

    and now my 2 puffles:

    name: cotton candy (blue puffle, girl)
    age: 10
    likes: jumping on her ball, eating cookies, fabio
    dislikes: gay puffles, fabio haters (lol just trying to make it more interesting)

    name: blackie (black puffle, boy)
    age: 13
    likes: skateboarding, chewing gum, hanging out with surfer puffle dudes (hes not gay, he thinks they’re cool and he likes surfing)
    dislikes: fabio! (lol)

    i cant wait to see what u come up with!!! LOL! 🙂
    Lavaster: Cool, I’ll make on with your puffles and all! (Now I’m going to make a different one.) I also have to work on a million little people for my game… DANG, I can’t believe i forgot its name!! Planet Earth??

  15. *tails has logged on*

    *lavaster has logged on*

    tails:hey lavaster

    lavaster:hey tails how ya doing

    tails:not to good


    tails:im stuck on wumpa salads!

    lavaser: …..

    tails:i mean islands


    tails:and right now im in my hiding spot trying to see if coco doesnt see me yet hehheh

    lavaster:wait if ur their how are you transmitting this chat here

    tails:oh i have my laptop before i was stuck here

    lavaster:oh well see ya


    *both log off*

    chat over

  16. *Tails has logged in
    *Lavaster has logged in
    Lavaster: Hi, Tails!
    Tails: Ssshhhh! Everytime you send a message, my laptop makes a noise. And my sister’s near by!!!
    Lavaster: T.-
    Lavaster: You’re still behind that tree, aren’t you?
    Tails: Shhhh!! My sister almost found me!
    Lavaster: And right now she’s gonna say, “THERE u are!!”
    Tails: DANG IT!!! How can you predit the future?!
    Lavaster: *rolls eyes*
    Lavaster: Pretty obvious Coco would hear my sound again.
    Lavaster: Coco chewin’ you out?
    Lavaster: Almost.
    Tails: Im loggin in 2 cp, k?
    Lavaster: Okay. C u there!

    -chat ended-

    • Belldranit
    • November 24th, 2008

    Lavaster has logged in
    Tails has logged in
    Belldranit has logged in
    Tails: I love you!
    Belldranit: ????
    Lavaster: ????

    -chat ended-

  17. nice chat bell i thought like patrick at that episode called chocolate with nuts ok now with my chat

    *tails is logged on*

    *lavaster is logged on*

    lavaster:hi tails

    tails:umm lavaster coco is still on to me and

    lavaster:your behind the tree

    tails:shh no im on top of a hut near the tree

    lavaster:oh so she couldnt find you after the tree incident

    tails:ummm yeah and right now


    tails:im eating a salad

    lavaster:good meal idea

    tails:thanks and coco isnt noticing yet she thinks im crash or somthing because shes not my sister

    lavaster:ohhhh now i get it

    tails:then shed think id have to save this island and that stuff and then its over the end
    i rest my case

    lavaster:woah weird but your technicly her brother right

    tails:eah shes thinking im her big bro

    lavaster:well im gonna go

    tails:me too she finally noticed me on the hut

    *both log off*

    the end

  18. DevonCranehere! im wikid awesome!!!

  19. p.s:that wasnt me that was my big sis

  20. *tails hjas logged on*

    *fireball has logged on*


    fireball:hi tails!

    tails:i missed you! 🙂

    fireball:me too

    tails:hows the wild so far?

    fireball:pretty good your other puffles are living with us

    tails:awwww so sweet when ur off tell them i said hi

    fireball:ok good to see ya

    tails:ok bye!

    *fireball logs off*

    *lavaster logged on*

    tails:hi lavaster!

    lavaster:hey tails umm wait hos that person named fireball?

    tails:… my black puffle

    lavaster:oh cool! so hows the time

    tails:fine … OH MY GOSH!


    tails:nothing just hiding still

    lavaster:still at the hut

    tails:o im in a bush

    lavaster:ok cya!


    *both log out*

    chat ended

    • Belldranit
    • November 26th, 2008

    Yeah, Tails. You did act like Patrick. It was the part where Patrick said “I love you” to the blue fish. The blue fish was all like “What the heck?” Okay, now with the chat.

    Lavaster has logged in
    Tails has logged in
    Belldranit has logged in
    Lavaster: Hi, how’s it going, Tails?
    Tails: Not too good
    Lavaster: Okay, then…how are you, Belldranit?
    Belldranit: Not too good, either
    Lavaster: Why?
    Tails: I’m stuck on wumpa salads!
    Belldranit: So am I
    Lavaster: What?
    Tails: I mean islands
    Belldranit: Tails and I are stuck on wumpa islands together!
    Lavaster: With Coco?
    Belldranit: Dang, man! Do you know everything?
    Lavaster: I was only guessing
    Belldranit: Well, you guessed right!
    Tails: Shhh! Belldranit, don’t you remember?
    Belldranit: What?
    Tails: Our laptops make noise whenever we send a message!
    Belldranit: Oh yeah…I forgot about that
    *Coco finds Tails and Belldranit*
    Belldranit: Oh snap!
    Lavaster: Did Coco find you?
    Lavaster: I only guessed
    Belldranit: I suppose you’re going to keep talking to us
    Lavaster: Nope, I’m going to leave you alone for a while
    Lavaster has logged off
    Belldranit: WHAT?!?!? NOOOOO!!!!!!
    Tails: I don’t know about you, but I’m out of here!
    Tails has logged off
    Belldranit: There’s only one thing to do
    Belldranit has logged off

    -chat ended-

  21. OMG LOL!!! thanks for including me and my puffles!! i love it! well laterz!

  22. *tails has logged on*

    *lavaster has logged on*


    tails:hi lavaster im trying to find a spot t hide again that hole in front of me or that boat n the sea



    *both log off*


  23. *tails has logged on*

    *belldranit has logged on*

    tails:hey bell

    bell:hey tails

    tails:hmm it was warm when i was on that boat and now its chilly

    bell:you better check

    tails:HOLY COW!!!


    tails:see for urself

    bell:oh my gosh!

    tails:our own private iceberg

    bell:all to ourselves

    tails:not even coco can find us here

    bell:true! but



    tails:calm down i got a plan!

    bell:what is it

    tails:hmmm aha! i got the idea!

    bell:what is it

    tails:CALL FOR HELP!


    *both run around saying WERE STRANDED WE NEED TRANSPORT! over and over*\

    *five hours later*

    tails:well someone came to help us

    bell:thanks whoever helped us

    ??:your welcome


    bell:this guys suspicious

    tails:i think its coco should we run

    bell:not yet lets see if this person knows where we need to be

    tails:um excuse me do you know where were going because we need to get back to to an island

    ???:which island do you want clubpenguin,iceberg near clubpenguin or the wumpa islands


    ???:okay then*takes both to club penguin*

    tails:WERE HOME!

    bell:how i missed this island!

    *both log off*


    finally i got off that island!

  24. p.s.:but somehow i think someone followed us

    • hawk
    • November 29th, 2008

    is there rooms in anyones chat? cause id like to join.
    name: hawk
    likes: internet, video games, simpsons, nightmare before christmas(movie), bowling for soup, wierd al.
    Dislikes: gays(only a little i think there wierd), Microsoft.

    And if you want to these two penguins i didn’t want to play, cause i let them have random personalites and there both gay.( thats why i don’t want to play them there really really gay)

    Name: shadow eagle
    dislikes: when tivo records the wrong channel, naked mole rats.

    name: dark snake
    likes: Gays
    dislikes: shotty head phones when coke, spills on his pizza.


  25. *tails has logged on*

    *lavaster has logged on*

    tails:hi lavaster

    lavaster:hey tails

    tails:guess what


    tails:IM BACK ON CP!

    lavaster: 😮 awesome

    tails:and finally from coco! thats the good idea but


    tails:maybe she was on the boat with us she must of followed


    tails: ………. yup and now


    tails:nothing shes not at my igloo yet see ya

    *both log out*

    • hawk
    • December 8th, 2008

    lol one of my friends cats is named wumpus

  26. *tails has logged in*

    *lavaster has logged in*



    tails:i think im being watched again

    lavaster:me too

    *both log off*


    • Xfadeaway (different computer)
    • December 20th, 2008

    You like Wendy’s?

    Well I like American Ale House & Grill. You should try their food! It’s SOOO good!

    • Belldranit (not logged in)
    • December 21st, 2008

    I don’t have American Ale House & Grill here.

  27. Me neither; no American Ale House & Grill ANYWHERE on the West Coast that I know of! I haven’t even SEEN any in Nevada, Colorado, or Arizona!
    Anyways, Wendy’s rocks!!!!!!!!!!

    • snowland303
    • December 21st, 2008

    Wendy’s is ok, but I love McDonalds.

  28. i love mcdonaklds too!

    • Belldranit
    • December 21st, 2008

    Lavaster, it’s because I live in Missouri
    Snowland, I don’t like McDonald’s that much

  29. um you guys seen in the comments section because the cristmas special is out

  30. I saw it, Tails! 🙂

    • snowland303
    • December 21st, 2008

    Bell, I just like their fries.

  31. ok i like the qtr lbs and shakes and

    lavaster;cool you like it

    • J Lo
    • January 3rd, 2009


    • J Lo
    • January 3rd, 2009

    wait lavaster i dont remember that chat (the last one be4 this comments box thing) like i dont remember it at all where was I? the only thing i remember was when you told me(supposedly US) about the one guy that hugged a girl and you blackmailed him lol funny.

    • Belldranit (new computer) (not logged in)
    • January 5th, 2009

    Hey guys!
    *ezellpropert has loged on*
    Belldranit:Ohh f*ck
    Lavaster just signing in : Belldranit! No cuss words on the chat eithor!
    Lavaster: Oh, wait, that’s you, Ezellpropert. I should’ve know after all those hundred comments.

    • Belldranit
    • January 5th, 2009


  32. Ezellpropert again. I don’t know how he got your picture… oh wait, now I know!!
    Anyways, it’s SUPER easy to know when he’s impersonating with this new WordPress dashboard! Luckily, wordpress does all the checking for me!

    • Belldranit
    • January 6th, 2009

    EZELLPROPERT!!!!!! grrrr…..*rips off shirt and reveals his muscles* *PUNCH! WHACK! CRACK! KICK! POW!*

  33. *eats peanut butter jelly sanwhich,becomes beefy,does hulk-like scream*
    DIE EZELLPORT! *destroys ezellport with punches and flying fists and kicks*

    • Belldranit
    • January 7th, 2009

    *voice turns deeper and destroys ezellpropert with tails*
    DIE!!!!!!! *punches ezellpropert and kicks him*

    • hawk
    • January 9th, 2009

    so If anybody could add hawk to their chats id like that.

    • Belldranit
    • January 10th, 2009


    Simon: Great, it’s the guy who sang the dreadful Disturbia song
    Paula: What are you going to sing today?
    Belldranit: I’m going to sing In The Ayer by Flo Rida
    Paula: Okay, start!

    Oh hot dam!
    This is my jam
    Keep me partying ’til the A.M.
    I don’t understand
    Make me throw my hands
    In the ayer-ay-ayer-ayer-ay-ayer

    Randy: Yo, dawg, that was way better than the first one
    Paula: You have a great voice! I give my heart to you
    Simon: One word, dreadful

  34. Simon’s NEVER bright, is he?

  35. Hey Lava do u know who i am>?? Guess
    Lavaster: Sukhman… or whatever the last part was… LOL

  36. Dear lavaster!
    i’m ORA181527, im on ur freinds list on cp…
    i got banned forever some stoopid hacker (or maybe moderater) banned me forever! so yeahhh.. i wanna join p.m. but i’m gonna make up my own chat is that k? its called webkinz chat just so u no i like webkinz..
    heres some things

    name; ora
    age; 12
    hobbies; drawing,cp,webkinz.pokemon,reading
    dislikes; mean people
    likes;cp.school, webkinz,french, chocolate AND COLA!!!!

  37. my webkinz;
    name; type of webkinz likes age
    liwu girl koala cola and eucalyptus 12
    garik boy bulldog orange soda and biscuits 12
    umka girl polar bear ice cream and water 11
    katso boy black lab biscuits, anything that has p.b 11
    dee girl elephant balls, water, toys, fluffy things 11
    zizi girl penguin ice, fish sticks, swimming 12
    noah boy duckling cozy things,yummy foods,noahsark 12
    gulli boy cheeky monkey curly things,bannanas,being happy 10

  38. that message suckkksss….. it turned off bad!

  39. katso has logged on:
    liwu has logged on:
    mika has logged on:

    liwu; WOW ITS MIKA! *chases mika and sticks too*
    katso: she needs to learn…… this is awkward * cricket*
    everyone loggs off….
    fabio has logged on…
    HELLO??? Fabio the attractive and gay one here…. *echo*
    fabio loggs off

  40. lol hey…..
    actually i found out im NOT banned it just said %hour% so i thought i was banned for eva………… lol thank gawd im not BANNED!!

  41. ora has logged in
    lavaster has logged in
    fabio has logged in

    Ora: ummmmmm this is weirddddd.. Fabio are you gay? tell the truth!

    Fabio: YES! And i dove steve abotts even though hes stoopid and gay.

    lavaster: true…*awkward silence*

    Ora: umm i need to go get ummm a a a SMOOTHIE! yeahhh a smoothieee… Lavaster you wanna come get some bandages??? *gives the look*

    Lavaster: umm shureeeeee, i need some cp bandagesssss

    both log off

    Fabio: again im alone and gay..

    steve abotts logs on

    steve :OH HEY!!
    Fabio: they were right he is stoopid

    fabio logs off

    And steve abotts is left to echo, be stoopid and be gay

    rock on peoples 8-D

  42. *tails has logged on*
    *lavaster ha logged on*

    tails: hey

    lavaster: hi tails…. dont tell me…. your in knothole are ya

    tails: yes

    laaster: ok cya

    tails bye

    *both log out*


    • jigglychu
    • January 22nd, 2009

    Testing testin 123 I wanna test my advtar

    • hawk
    • January 23rd, 2009

    Could anybody add me to ther chats?
    name: hawk
    likes: internet, video games, simpsons, nightmare before christmas(movie), bowling for soup, wierd al.
    Dislikes:Micorsoft, when i can’t remembere what i was saying

    okay this is it so add me plz!
    (if nobody adds me in the next week im making my own chat)

    • ora181527
    • January 24th, 2009

    Hey Tails,snowland.xfadeaway
    im ora just so u no im in two vids of lavaster soooo yeahh so count me in da chats ok? i’ll count u in mine also! 😉

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